Cats have had a reputation for being isolated for a long time, and while they aren’t as...
Author - Thom
Top 10 Ways to Show Your Cats You Love Them
Adopting cats does not include instructions on how to love them, no matter the race of your cat...
From strange fur to cats with big ears, there are loads of interesting features that make these ten...
Why does my cat have bad breath and what can I do?
Does your cat have bad breath? As well as being unpleasant, this phenomenon can be a sign of a...
My cat is losing his hair: why and what to do?
Losing hair is a natural phenomenon in cats all year round, but there is more hair loss during the...
Why not punish your cat, but promote positive education?
Adorable furball, the cat is as cute as he can be devilish, especially when he has his little...
How to play with your indoor cat on a daily basis?
The reputation of cats is well established! Felines are great players who are bursting with energy...
My cat is constipated, what can I do to help it?
In recent days, your cat’s behavior has changed dramatically. He holds himself back to have a...
My cat drinks a lot of water and urinates frequently: is this...
Are you worried about your cat drinking more water and urinating more often than usual? You are...
Why is my cat peeing all over the house and what can I do?
We all know that cats are generally very clean animals that spend a lot of time grooming themselves...
Can cats also fall in love?
Does your cat only have eyes for the neighbor’s beautiful tomcat? Does he actively seek...
Cohabitation between god and cat: How to do it?
Although dogs and cats are notorious for not getting along well, it is quite possible to get them...
4 tips for removing the smell of cat urine
All cat owners know that the smell of cat pee can be nasty and stubborn in the house. In other...
Guide to survival for the first 24 hours with your new kitten
Have you just adopted a kitten? Congratulations! Your life is about to get a lot more fun. The very...
Are cats color blind? This is exactly how a cat sees
Have you ever wanted to see the world through the big eyes of a cat?. But does the color of their...
Why do cats purr? Explanations and benefits
When you have kids, it’s easy to tell if they’re happy. Are they smiling? If so, they...