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Why is my cat peeing all over the house and what can I do?

Written by Thom

We all know that cats are generally very clean animals that spend a lot of time grooming themselves. It is therefore always surprising to see a cat who starts to urinate all over the house, on the floor, on the bed or on the sofa. So what to do with a cat peeing all over the place? How to identify the cause of this behavior, and how to prevent it from recurring? We tell you everything in this article!
Why is my cat peeing everywhere?
Very different problems can explain the behavior of a cat peeing out of its litter box. Some are related to the health of the animal, or the litter box. Others concern the education of the animal, its mental health and its living conditions. Before finding the solution, it is still necessary to have analyzed the source of the problem.
In this process, however, it is important to differentiate between two very distinct situations related to the uncleanliness of the cat and to ask yourself this question: “Has my cat always defecated outside the litter box, or what is unusual of her? ”
If your cat has never been clean and you have made a health check with your veterinarian, without finding anything abnormal, there is a good chance that it is a problem of education, or of stress. If these “accidents” happen suddenly, with no apparent explanation, then you can conduct a thorough investigation to find the cause of these changes.
The main causes of uncleanliness in cats
If you can’t find any logical explanation for your cat’s sudden uncleanliness, here is a list of the main causes that can help you better understand the situation.
Unsuitable or poorly maintained litter
Our little furballs can be very delicate when it comes to their litter! A box that is too closed or an improperly chosen location, and your cat is likely to go to relieve himself elsewhere. The choice of litter is also decisive: pellets that are a little too dusty or an unpleasant odor can scare your cat away.
Also, don’t forget that your little one is very clean: he will refuse to do his business in too dirty a litter box. Finally, the cat is a routine animal, which may have trouble getting used to a new box or a change of brand of litter.
Health concerns
Certain health problems, such as urinary tract infections or kidney stones, can cause incontinence in cats. The child is then unable to hold back, and pees in the place where he is lying, for example your sofa or your bed!
Musculoskeletal conditions associated with old age, such as osteoarthritis, can make movement difficult for cats. He is then less inclined to move around to go to his needs in his litter box, and may have difficulty lifting his paws to enter it. In this case, the cat often pees on the ground, near the tank.

Stress and anxiety
The cat is an extremely sensitive animal, very attached to its habits, and it generally does not accept change. Moving, the arrival of a new animal, the birth of a baby in the family, can be very stressful. A cat that pees all over the place can just be a stressed cat!
Urinary marking (territorial)
The cat is a territorial animal and its instinct sometimes prompts it to demarcate its territory by means of urine marking, also helping to dissuade its fellows from entering it. Certain situations reinforce this phenomenon, for example the presence of another cat of the same sex in the house. The animal that does not accept the presence of this potential competitor pees all over the house, to let him know that he is at home.
Poor education
Naturally, a cat has no reason to go to a litter box to defecate. Kittens must be specially educated in order to develop this habit. A cat that urinates all over the place may just have been poorly educated. This happens especially if the kitten was separated from its mother too young, before she had time to accompany him in this training.
What are the solutions against dirty cats?
When faced with a cat urinating all over the place, the first thing to do is try to understand the cause of this behavior. Indeed, the answer to be given will be different depending on the origin of the problem.
Uncleanness or urine marking?
When there is a cat urinating all over the place, it is important to determine first whether it is a dirtiness issue, or territorial marking. The latter is generally quite recognizable, since the urine traces are not on the floor or the beds, but high up, a few centimeters above the floor.
The cat sniffs the holder first, then lifts its paw to emit a small stream of urine, before sniffing the area again. In contrast, an incontinent cat will usually pass more urine, and scratch the wet area with the paw. If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a veterinarian.
Make sure the cat has no health problems
In the case of a clean cat that becomes dirty without any particular change in its life, we can suspect a health problem.
An incontinent cat will often leave streaks of urine where it lies down. In the event of a urinary tract infection or stones, he goes to his litter box more frequently, but may also urinate elsewhere in the house. Observe your cat closely. Does he show signs of pain when he pees? Are there traces of blood in his urine?
At the slightest sign of discomfort or pain, or if you notice any other symptoms, see a veterinarian as soon as possible for a diagnosis.
Reduce your cat’s stress level
Your cat that was clean until then has started to pee all over the place, so is he healthy? It can be a manifestation of stress. Think about all the changes that have recently occurred in their environment: the arrival of a baby or another animal, death or departure from the house of one of the family members, moving, change of pace of life, noisy work in the street …
Any change in their habits can cause cats to experience significant anxiety, which can result in sudden dirtiness. Don’t scold your cat and instead try to provide an environment that is as reassuring as possible. To soothe it, you can try natural remedies like Bach flowers.
Feliway, a product based on synthetic pheromones, is also very effective in reducing your pet’s stress level, and therefore avoiding his annoying behavior, while improving his well-being! It is used either as a diffuser or as a spray to use on contaminated areas.

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