
Why not punish your cat, but promote positive education?

Written by Thom

Adorable furball, the cat is as cute as he can be devilish, especially when he has his little moments of madness at home! Designer furniture, torn curtains, garbage in the house, your feline can be strangely creative to do silly things and drive you crazy! The question which then arises is: “how to punish a cat intelligently?” “.
Contrary to popular belief, raising a cat is quite possible, regardless of its age. What is needed is to adopt intelligent methods that correct one’s attitude and actions. Discover some tips to improve your behavior at home.
Cat psychology: punishment vs reward
Is the punishment effective on the cat?
The common mistake we make is to think that pets are educated the same way. Each animal species has its own characteristics, which is why reactions are different when faced with punishment.
For example, dogs are very social animals who show a real desire to please their owners. As a result, when they mess around at home, they are much more receptive to punishment than other animals. At the same time, cats are more independent and hedonistic animals, as they respond more to positive actions (rewards) than to negative situations (punishments).
These tend to create stress in felines, and can repeatedly have an impact on the well-being of your pet, who will perceive your home as a hostile environment. Of course, if your cat oversteps bounds, it may be necessary to reprimand him, as long as it is done appropriately.
The reward for educating the cat
As mentioned earlier, a cat will respond much more favorably to a reward than a punishment. To complete the education of your cat, you must therefore encourage him when he takes positive actions. To get the message across, rewards in the form of hugs, sweet talk, and treats will therefore be appropriate.
The timing must be perfect and the reward must be given at the time of the right deed. If it’s a food reward, choose a different treat than the one you would usually give. The idea is to break away from everyday life and make the reward unique and motivating. The sooner your cat is educated, the more effective and natural it will be for him.
How to “punish” your cat?
Obviously, before your cat behaves like a little angel at home, he will go through learning phases, and like a child, he will have to do a lot of silly things with you. In order for your feline to learn from these situations, it is important to reprimand him intelligently.
1. Take back your cat at the right time
Following something stupid by your cat, the most important point to respect is to punish him for a fait accompli! You should know that the cat has no notion of what is prohibited and what is not. Thus, if you punish your pet at the time of the act, he will associate his bad behavior with a negative situation. Thus, he will be less inclined to reoffend.

2. Raise your voice and be firm
Cats can have strong heads sometimes, which is why you need to be firm when talking to them. While it may make some people laugh, saying “no” out loud is the easiest and most effective way to be heard by your cat. This sharp and strong sound will aim to surprise him and, with the tone used, to confirm your disagreement with his action.
It is also possible to clap your hands hard to catch it in the act. It is important to set limits for your cat from an early age.
A final method that can be used and is to surprise your cat by spraying it with water using a spray bottle or a small stream. You can also throw a soft object next to it (sock, foam ball…). The idea, of course, is not to traumatize or injure your cat during their misdeeds, but only to create an unpleasant surprise effect to deter them in the future.
3. Correct your cat with catnip
The latter solution is not particularly viable in the long term but can help you defuse sticky situations and calm your cat if he is stressed or aggressive. The idea is simple: use catnip (or catnip) to give your cat a euphoric high, calm their ardor, and stop their stupidity. Catnip is obviously harmless to your feline.
How to punish a cat – In summary:
Educating your cat is very important, and taking the time to teach her how to behave at home is essential. Rather than berating him when he makes a mistake, encourage and reward his good deeds! Of course, if he goes to the sea, make him understand that you do not approve of his behavior, always with respect for your animal. In the end, your efforts will pay off and this little monster will turn into an affordable tomcat!
And if, despite our advice, your cat’s behavior is a problem and you do not succeed, do not hesitate to call on a feline behaviorist who will be able to give you other avenues not yet explored until then. . only good advice. Maybe he will have to move around to see what is wrong?
The goal is for everyone to be happy and live in good harmony!

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