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4 tips for removing the smell of cat urine

Written by Thom

All cat owners know that the smell of cat pee can be nasty and stubborn in the house. In other words, it stinks! But don’t panic, we’ll help you remove bad odors and save your rugs, bedding, and sofas. Find out why cats pee outside of their litter box, why it smells so bad, and how to get rid of cat urine odor in your home.
Why is my cat peeing everywhere?
Litter box issues can be frustrating, especially when they result in an unpleasant smell of cat pee. More often than not, a cat urinating all over the place is a sign that something is wrong. Cats tend to stop using the litter box for the following reasons:
• Environmental and social factors such as a dirty bin, surprising noises, or a more dominant cat threatening them.
• Urinary marking behavior. Cats “spray” to leave their scent, especially if they haven’t been spayed or neutered.
• Medical problems. Improper elimination can be a sign of illness such as urinary tract infection, blockage, kidney problems, and diabetes.
• Stress-related behavior. If your cat is feeling anxious, she may be leaving her trail in an unusual place to let you know.
If you suddenly encounter cat pee outside of the litter box, call the vet first. It is very unlikely that bladder problems will go away on their own. Even if you suspect your cat is under stress or is just urine marking, it is important to rule out medical causes.
1. Find the source of the cat urine odor
It’s hard to remove the smell of cat urine if you don’t know where it is exactly. Trust your nose at first, and look for discolored or wet spots. If you still can’t locate the source, try using a UV flashlight. You will feel like a real detective looking for evidence!
UV light (or black light) illuminates any substance containing phosphors (including cat pee), making it easy for you to locate and treat encrusted urine stains. Just turn off all your lights, turn on your UV flashlight, and start searching.
A quick tip: Once you locate the pee area with a UV flashlight, circle it in chalk so you can still see it after the lights are back on.
2. Remove the smell of cat urine from the bed and clothes
If the pee smell comes from the laundry basket, good news: you can just put all your clothes back in the washing machine! But a simple detergent will not be enough for cat urine. You need to neutralize the odor with the right products!
Using enzymatic cleaners is essential because they will act as cat urine destroyers, so they don’t leave any traces. For your linens, you can therefore use an enzymatic cat cleaner and enzyme detergent. For the pre-treatment, first, absorb the urine or any other feces stains by patting gently with a cloth or absorbent paper. Soak the soiled surfaces with your cleanser and let them sit for five minutes before washing them off. Then add the recommended amount of enzyme additive to the machine with your usual detergent.

Also, note that the heat gives off-odors and could ruin your favorite clothes. Therefore, prefer cold washing and air drying.
Don’t have enzymatic detergent? No problem! After absorbing the urine, rinse the clothing or linens in cold water. Then prepare a vinegar solution, mixing one part white vinegar or apple cider to three parts water. Put your laundry in the washing machine and add your vinegar solution on top. You can also add a cup (250 g) of baking soda to cover your laundry.
3. How do I get the smell of cat pee off the carpet?
Enzymes to the rescue! If you encounter a wet spot on the carpet, start by blotting up as much urine as possible with paper towels or a clean cloth. Then rinse the area with clean, cold water. Never use a steam cleaner on cat pee stains, as the heat and steam will create odors.
Then destroy the stain with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature’s Miracle. Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes before blotting up excess liquid with a clean cloth, then air dry for two days. If the cat’s pee smell persists, you may want to repeat the process.
This cat pee stain-specific formula targets bacteria found only in cat urine and works to remove ammonia to restore your carpet or furniture. It also helps prevent the recurrence of urine marking in the same place, thanks in particular to its lemon scent. Lemon indeed acts as a repellant and is a common deterrent for cats.
4. How do I get rid of the smell of cat pee on the sofa?
To clean the smell of cat urine off your sofa, we recommend Pet Stain Spray, which uses a powerful blend of natural enzymes. Be sure to allow the enzyme solution to soak into the cat’s pee stain and let sit for a while before blotting up the excess. Then let it dry completely. If you’re cleaning a sofa or chair with removable cushions, put them outside to dry in the sun.
Because cushions can take a long time (sometimes days) to dry, it’s important to protect from pee attacks. To discourage your cat from returning to the crime scene, cover the cushions with foil. Most cats hate the feel and sound of aluminum foil and will avoid stepping on it.
Be patient and persistent when it comes to cat pee
Deodorant, stain remover, destroyer, or cat odor absorber … Yes, against cat urine, you have to arm yourself with the patient and the right products! Even if sometimes you have to repeat the treatment several times. But ultimately, cat pee is not that different from other animal urine. However, it tends to go unnoticed at first, and it is as the bacteria in the urine breaks down that it gives off a strong ammonia odor. Older cats also tend to have an extra-smelly pee, as their reins have lost some of their function.

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