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Cats Slap Each Other for 4 Reasons

5 tips to stop cats from slapping each other:

Even while cats slapping each other is considered a natural behavior, it does not mean that it is ideal for your cats to do so. There are a few things you can do to reduce the number of cats slapping each other:

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1- If the cause was just boredom

If your cats are slapping each other out of boredom or instinct, scheduling and organizing their playtimes can help. A cat who gets the same twenty minutes every day to hunt and attack its favorite wand toy or chase the elusive red dot may be less likely to slap its housemates for not playing with it. It’s crucial to remember that catching the prey at the end of the hunt is a big part of the fun. Because laser pointers don’t allow this, if your cat enjoys playing with them, throw them a kicker toy that they can jump on and bunny kick to ‘kill’ at the end of each session.

2- Your cats Health chack

Keeping your cat’s annual exams up to date can assist in guaranteeing that no illnesses are developing that are causing pain or suffering. Cats are often anxious at the doctor, making it harder for your veterinarian to accurately assess them for minor signs of arthritis. Take a video of your cat walking around or jumping up on items with your phone; this will assist your veterinarian to determine if your cat has early arthritis. Consider starting your cat on an added supplement as they become older. Your veterinarian can advise you on the best treatment for your cat.

3The slaps are because of the number of litter boxes

Interact violence isn’t always easy to resolve, but there are some things you can do to make your cat’s home life less stressful. Having a proper number of litter boxes is an excellent place to start. The number of litter boxes in your home should be equal to the number of cats you have plus one, according to most behavior experts. If you have two cats, you should have three litter boxes at least.

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